Living in Two Cities

Photo by Isaac Aoki

Photo by Isaac Aoki

Since Houston, I've been traveling pretty regularly between NYC and Chicago. I became an apprentice with a project based company in Chicago called the Cambrians and continued to rehearse with Keigwin in NYC. Its been great working in Chicago because there are a handful of choreographers who the Cambrians are working with this season that I didn't get the opportunity to work with while I lived in Chicago. I also reconnected with Alberto Arias and the drag circuit while I was in town which I have really been missing. I'm not back in NYC for the next month and working on getting more established here but before I left Chicago, I worked with Brendan Fernandes again for his work Art by SnapChat at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. Ill be in NYC until November 17 and then I am heading back to Chicago for another process with the Cambrians. Living on air mattresses and out of small duffle bags isn't my idea of glamorous but I'm excited about the work I get to right now. I feel like I'm right where I need to be.